Artist residencies

Paul Yakubu 2
©Isabelle Ha Eav

Drawing on its rich heritage and historical significance, as well as its commitment to the Social and Solidarity Economy, the Citadelle de Marseille is putting to the test a methodology for shaping its future cultural and scientific project by intersecting scientific approach, artistic creation, and citizen engagement.

At the heart of this approach, the Citadelle de Marseille has embarked on a multidisciplinary reflection since 2022 and has provided artists with two 50m² workspaces. The intention is to support contemporary artistic creation while contributing to the creation and transmission of knowledge around issues arising from the site itself.

In this sense, it aims to develop research and creation programs within its walls and thus foster the emergence of porous spaces between the fields of research, creation, social, and economic sectors to promote innovation. The Citadelle de Marseille is convinced that the artistic perspective will enable the creation of new practices and responses to the memorial, scientific, and technical challenges raised by the site. Through these programs, the Citadelle de Marseille also aims to contribute to the development and flourishing of the regional artistic scene by supporting creation and its challenges through artist residencies.

In 2024, a dozen artist projects and residencies will be developed and hosted, addressing historical, memorial, and environmental issues related to the site, as well as those linked to the territory and partner operators. These projects will take the form of research residencies, production workshops, participatory workshops, and exhibitions.

The Citadelle's work focuses on four themes and major events:

  • Ecological transition, around which artists and researchers reflect on the living world.
  • The Historical Center, where projects address memorial issues.
  • The links between heritage and digital creation.
  • Cultural Olympiads in the context of the 2024 Olympic Games.

To bring its projects to fruition, the Citadelle de Marseille relies on a large number of cultural and artistic partners, most of whom come from its territory, including Versant Sud association, Photo Marseille, l'IMERA, l'AMU, and the Centre Culturel Fort Saint-Nicolas.

The residents


The residence of Louise Nicollon des Abbayes