The Groupe SOS

Founded in 1984 during the "AIDS years," Groupe SOS is a non-profit association, a major player in social cohesion in France and around the world.
Groupe SOS

The Groupe SOS primarily intervenes in the fields of solidarity, youth, health, and seniors, by managing establishments aimed at marginalized individuals, as well as nurseries, hospitals, and nursing homes open to all. As a player in the social and solidarity economy (SSE), Groupe SOS is convinced that these sectors should not be driven by profit.

Aware that exclusions take various forms, Groupe SOS also acts in the fields of ecological transition, territorial exclusions, sustainable businesses, and culture for all.

Moreover, Groupe SOS holds a leading position in the field of insertion: it offers opportunities to people in precarious situations by providing them with contracts or training within its structures.

With 22,000 employees and its expertise in the field, Groupe SOS regularly takes a stand on social and environmental issues. At this stage, there are no comparable associations in terms of size, scope, and diversity of interventions.

22,000 employees, 2 million beneficiaries, 750 establishments, associations, and social enterprises, 50 countries.

Discover the Groupe SOS


Within Groupe SOS, culture is an integral part of daily life: it's a think & do tank focused on supporting creation through renewed places for cultural experimentation and manufacturing for everyone, insertion, cultural entrepreneurship, and citizenship through reinvented media and critical education in art and information for the youngest. Heritage, cinema, music, design & crafts, digital, theater...

Discover Groupe SOS's culture branch